Steve Mohn, Crop Insurance
Steve was born and raised on a dairy, beef and crop farm in Berks County. He has been involved in the agriculture community his whole life through many agricultural related organizations. He served as a 4-H leader for 12 years for the Western Berks Dairy Club. He is an avid supporter of youth programs through FFA, Grange, 4-H and the Reading Fair. He is a graduate of Penn State with a degree in Business.
Steve started his career in the insurance business as a property and casualty underwriter. Worked for a non profit for a few years and then in a warehouse and ended up back where he originally started in insurance. He joined the agency in February 2016 specializing in crop insurance. A perfect fit with his gift of gab and love of the agricultural industry.
His wife Karen and he reside in Berks County. Their daughter, Ashley lives in Vermont and works for Holstein USA in Brattleboro. We own and operated Princess Valley Farm LLC where we cash crop corn and soybeans.
Steve enjoys time with his family visiting his daughter in Vermont, working outside, traveling to National Holstein Conventions and volunteering at ag events. He also collects farm toys and owns several Oliver (the other green) tractors.
Office Toll Free: 800-422-8335 ext. 21
Office Fax: 717-336-3729
Direct Call, Text, or Fax: 717-897-0956